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Tarot Cards, 0 Fool

Updated: Apr 1

The Fool's Card simultaneously closes and opens the Great Arcana, reminding you of the eternal, ceaseless journey, and that each end is synonymous with a new beginning. It is 0, reset, reset, blank sheet, complete new start after cycle completed, experiment series, flow suggestion.


Each card has both positive and negative overtones, and the Fool can indicate true stupidity and irresponsibility, or show freedom, lack of control, suggesting flow and ease.

Tarot cards are read intuitively, and from each card at a given moment you can distinguish something completely different than before. It's a great tool!


In an emergency, the sage takes the form of a Fool. The fool being in the closing and opening position at the same time, at the point Zero, has his wisdom gathered from the previous cycle of events and can finally relax and jump carelessly, and when entering the next cycle, he does not yet know what awaits him. There is no knowledge of future experiences.

His archetype is a child. He is open, carefree, and curious. The fool knows that he has to trust his intuition, wandering into the new and unknown. However, without knowing anything about the new, he can become reckless, and where accountability is required, he can turn out to be too childish.

Driven by whims, he can playfully wander into a space that will not serve him, because he has no protection. He is exposed to obsession, mania or passion, and this can lead him to risky areas, where he will compromise himself.


This card may indicate a child, a young person, or a childish or childlike person. Someone young in spirit. Courageous, but this courage and risk comes from a lack of knowledge. It may be a traveler, someone who is fond of adventures. Someone open to new. Someone who is fun-loving, has a playful disposition, and works in the entertainment industry. It can be a person who is constantly optimistic, while at the same time ignoring the negative sides or risks.

It may be a person who values independence, freedom and frivolity. Such a person is not looking for stability. It is someone full of energy, faith, fearlessness, and therefore a risk taker. So it can make ill-considered decisions. The person of the Fool is not mature at the moment, so this card may suggest that someone would allow himself to be someone exactly like that - childish, curious, carefree.

The card may indicate flirtation, adventure, casual romance, but also a strong emotional commitment, deep fascination, because without knowing the fool enters deeply into experiences. Love at first sight. An uncomplicated relationship. There are emotional but sincere reactions, ill-considered decisions, fun. Coquettishness, enjoyment. Much younger partner. Enthusiasm. Endless possibilities. Searching for a new road.

New actions, faith in your own abilities. A risk that will pay off. Rely on your intuition. Going ahead without looking back. Fresh look. Unexpected help.

Internal strength. Unconventional means of treatment.


Because the Fool is a child, he can show offspring that will bring new energies to the parents' lives. A fool can point to an unexpected pregnancy.

Typically, a fool can negatively read the emotional immaturity of someone who has problems with stabilization. Someone who cannot be serious is fooling around. A person who naively trusts others or is not trustworthy himself. Someone manipulated by others.

Chaos, scattering, eagerness, obsessiveness, extravagance, thoughtlessness, stupidity. Inability to assess the risk. Naivety. No fear or excessive anxiety. No attachment to material matters. Tendency to exhibitionism, flashiness, overconfidence, it shows. No discipline.

A fool can point to a bad counselor, complications, obstacles. Bad decision, aversion to novelty, escape from responsibilities. Weak will. Rashness, superficiality. Gossip, gossip. Profligacy.

Having to start all over again.

Lack of competence. Wrong decisions.

Being Seen as a Fool.

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