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Hand Painted and Decorated Woman Jacket

Here it is! The jacket I have been working on for a long time, because I always do several projects at once.

For painting, I use #Arteza and #Amsterdam paints, most of them are iridescent paints and mica powder paints. I mainly use TOHO beads for embroidery.

The jacket is decorated on all sides. The main theme is Nature and Awareness, hence the Hummingbird on its back has an Eye in the middle, and it emanates awareness from its wings in the form of eye - drops.

It was no accident that I chose the Jaguar theme. These felids consciously eat the leaves of plants that contain DMT (Dimethyltryptamine). You can easily find videos on this topic on YouTube.

On the back I also painted the Goddess of the development of planet consciousness and wealth, both spiritual and material. Of course, I followed my favorite Vedic figures.

If someone would like to ask me how long it takes me to do something, they will never get that answer. Art works take as much as they should!

I also used the minerals Howlite and Black Onyx to sew the butterfly.

I picked currants and blackberries as one of my favorite fruits. In my childhood and teenage years, I always spent the whole summer in the Polish countryside. Once upon a time this village was different, open and wild. It's still full of fruit now, but people have fenced everything off. Walking is not possible and the animals have nowhere to go.

I've always felt attracted to all felids. I am sure there will be plenty of themes with cats.

Hope to finish the jacket later this season! :)


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