Aztec, Inca and Mayan art is one of my sources of inspiration. Although you can always find common themes in the works of indigenous peoples around the world, there will always be differences specific to a given region or particular people.
In every culture, there is a clear reflection of peoples' connection with nature, its seasons, gifts, and there is always a motif of contact with entheogenic (psychoactive) plants and mushrooms.
Everything is already created, so any creation is based on a specific interpretation of what already exists.
Our fashion should be based on what we like, what colors and styles make us feel like ourselves. No one should be afraid to shine or wear flashy clothes, especially when going to a party or celebration. We should all have fun with life and experience it exactly the way we want.
Celebrating everyday life, showing gratitude for nature's gifts, creates even more happiness.
Nature gave us everything.
Of course, in all cultures there are, apart from the cult of life, also the cult of death and darkness, as opposing experiences, but apart from the skull motif, there is little to be found in my works.
Every culture deserves attention. From individual art you can read the stories going on at that time. Different areas of habitation, different flora and fauna, different beliefs and gods, different tools, construction, technologies - are reflected in the creativity of peoples.
Feathers are a very attractive gift from nature. They look effective in outfits and jewelry.
I once heard that you should wear an expression of your own culture, but personally I consider myself a citizen of the world.
I try to make the elements I create comfortable and to consist of as many natural materials as possible, although synthetic additives cannot always be avoided.
I can confidently say that my lifestyle is expressed in my work: nature, colors, stones, crystals, travel, good food.